Joerg Schieber
Margarethe-Danzi-Strasse 6
DE-80639 Muenchen
T. +49 (0)89 17119014
F. +49 (0)89 17119015
Managing Director: Joerg Schieber
Tax Nr.: 148/108/81195
VAT ID Nr.: DE244637190
1. content of the online offer
The author is making an effort to keep the internet presence up to date and provide the users with diverse and correct information. However he doesn´t guarantee for topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the provided information. Liability claims against him, concerning material or ideational losses, caused by using or not using the provided information or by using faulty or incomplete information are in principle excluded, provided the author has no intentionally or roughly negligent fault. All offers are subject to change and without obligation. The author reserves the right to change, complete, delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without further notice or to discontinue the publication at times or finally.
2. links and references
If there are direct or indirect references to foreign internet sites („links“) which are beyond of control of the author, a liability obligation would only come into effect if the author has knowledge of this content and he is technically able or it is reasonable for him to prevent usage of these links in case of illegal content. The author declares therefore expressly that at the time of putting up the link the linked pages were free of illegal content. The author has no influence on the current and future design and on the content of the linkes pages. Therefore he distances himself from all content on the linked pages which were changed after putting up the link. This statement applies to all links and references within the own internet offer as well as for foreign listings in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists provided by the author. For illegal, faulty or incomplete content and for damage resulting from using or not using of such offered information, only the provider of the page that was linked to is liable, not the one who just refered to these offers with links.
3. copyright and labelling law
The author endeavours in all publications to pay attention to the copyright on all used graphics, audio, video and texts, to use self created graphics, audio, video and texts or to fall back on royalty free graphics, audio, video and texts. All within the internet offer stated and possibly third party protected trademarks and brands are subject to unlimited determination of each valid mark right and ownership right of each registered owner. Alone due to just nomination no conclusions shall be drawn that trade marks are not protected by third party rights! The copyright for published and by the author self created objects sticks to the author of the pages. Duplication and usage of such graphics, audio, video and texts in other electronic of printed publications without expressed consent of the author is prohibited.
data protection
declaration to data protection
All internet addresses which chameledeon ist publishing on its internet pages now or in future are for information purposes only. A third party commercial usage is whether intended nor allowed.
information about copyright
texts, pictures, graphics as well as design and layout of these pages are subject to worldwide copyright. Unauthorized usage, reproduction or transfer of individual content or complete pages will be prosecuted as well as civil.
liability for external links
Due to technical characteristics of the internet, chameledeon and the responsible for content doesn´t grant completeness and accuracy of the information provided. chameledeon and the responsible for content as content provider are responsible for the own content provided for usage under the general legal situation. This means that links to content by other providers hat to be distinguished. By linking to third party pages chameledeon and the responsible for content don´t provide own content for usage, furthermore these are foreign contents they are in principle not responsible for. They are only responsible for these foreign contents , if they got knowledge of these (this means also with a illegal and punishable content) and, to prevent usage of these. chameledeon and the responsible for content are not required by law to check content they are linking to for changes, which would justify responsibility. Only if they find out or they are pointed out by others that an offer they are linking to triggers a civial or criminal responsibility, they will remove this offer, if they are technically able or it is reasonable for them.
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Der Bayerische Datenschutzbeauftragte
Postfach 22 12 19
80502 Muenchen
Wagmuellerstraße 18
80538 Muenchen